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Slow Food USA National School Garden Program Monthly Webinars


The National School Garden Program hosts monthly leader calls/webinars to provide our Slow Food chapters and school garden volunteers further support and technical assistance. Our webinars are free and open to the public. Here is a list of both upcoming and past calls, including the ability to download powerpoints and the recorded webinars. In this session, we will hear from Farmer Kim Aman of Moss Haven Elementary School in Dallas, TX and how she got a flock of feathered friends on her school campus. She will discuss the do's and don'ts that can lead to chicken success: how to navigate the process with a school district, food safety concerns, student participation, community partners, and resources available to schools looking to get chickens as part of their school garden program. June 2015 Webinar - The Impact of School Gardens: Current Academic Research Have you seen the academic research that shows how school gardens are positively impacting children's lives? Do you need to convince the administration why your school should have a garden? Are you seeking out data-driven studies to earn the support of the school district? School gardens and cooking classes are positively impacting fruit and vegetable consumption, academic success, childhood obesity, emotional health/wellbeing, and food justice, and we have the studies and summaries (PowerPoint slides) to prove it! In this webinar, National School Garden Program Director, Andrew Nowak, describes how academic research can make an impact on starting and maintaining your school garden. Slow Food USA encourages the use of our PowerPoint presentations and research summaries in your own presentations to school boards, administrators, and districts. You can also access the powerpoint presentation for the June webinar here: Slow Food USA June 2015 Webinar: The Impact of School Gardens: Current Academic Research (Presentation) *Note: Any original data represented in either graphic or written form can be assumed to be statistically significant May 2015 Webinar with Special Guest: The Edible Schoolyard Project The Edible Schoolyard Network is an online community for educators and advocates working to transform how children eat and learn. This session will highlight how to use the Network as a tool to map your program, connect with peers around the world, and contribute to an edible education curriculum for grades preK through 12. Led by Hannah Piercey, Community Manager of The Edible Schoolyard Project. You can also access the powerpoint presentation for the May webinar here: Slow Food USA: May School Garden Webinar: The Edible Schoolyard Project April 2015 Webinar: Grow Your Volunteers - Recruitment & Engagement We recognize that volunteers are the heart of school gardens. In this webinar, hear more about how to recruit, train, retain and recognize your volunteers! We provide strategies for where to find new volunteers, tips for creating job descriptions and 1:1 relationship building, training/supporting them with skills, tools and confidence, and providing the necessary communication and expectations for success. Led by Program Director Andrew Nowak and Program Manager Lauren Howe, With a guest presentation by Slow Food USA Board Member, Thom Duncan. You can also access the powerpoint presentation for the April webinar here: Slow Food USA: April 2015 School Garden Webinar: Grow Your Volunteers PowerPoint March 2015 Webinar: Slow Food USA's National School Garden Program Overview This webinar provides an overview of Slow Food USA's National School Garden Program from Program Director, Andrew Nowak, and Program Manager, Lauren Howe. Originally created for our network of Slow Food USA leaders across the country, but helpful for anyone interested in learning more and getting involved in our program! You can also access the powerpoint presentation for the March webinar here: Slow Food USA March 2015 Webinar: National School Garden Program Overview February 2015 Webinar: Slow Food USA's Good, Clean and Fair School Garden Curriculum In this webinar, Director of Education for Slow Food Denver and curriculum developer, Gigia Kolouch walks us through the first volume of Slow Food USA's Good, Clean, and Fair School Garden Curriculum, offering helpful hints and lesson planning tips. The "Good" Volume includes lesson plans and cultural recipes that promote sensory education (e.g. progressive tasting exercises) and kitchen skills and tools (e.g. knives, rolling pins, and mortars and pestles). If you would like to access/download the curriculum online, please visit our Resources page. You can access the Good, Clean and Fair School Garden Curriculum Webinar Notes. and support good, clean and fair food for all as a Slow Food USA member. and get the latest news and updates on Slow Food and the food movement. Andrew Nowak Program Directorandrew@slowfoodusa.org 877.SlowFoo(d), ext. 128 (877.756.9366) Lauren Howe Program Managerlauren@slowfoodusa.org 877.SlowFoo(d), ext. 129 (877.756.9366) © 2015 Slow Food USA1000 Dean St. Suite 222, Brooklyn, NY 11238718.260.8000 or 877.SLOWFOODPrivacy Policy

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